Friday 29 September 2023

Journal Round The World Challenge

 Starting in January 2023 we have been engaged in a Journal Round the World challenge, whereby groups of our members start a junk journal with three/four signatures and then pass the journal to another member of the group to decorate the first signature. When that is completed, the journal is sent to the next member of the group, who completes the second signature etc. until, when there is only one signature left, the journal is returned to the originator, who completes and keeps it.

Originally, I thought this project would be completed in three months and the aim was to finish all the journals by the end of March 2023, but life gets in the way of good intentions and, as I write, we are nearly into October and some of the journals are still not finished.

However, yesterday I received the first set of photos from Victoria PL and I am very pleased to post them here for you all to see:-

I think they are very good and I can't wait to see the others. I'm sure there will be lots of different styles to come :)

I have not posted much here for a couple of years owing to the lack of interest in the Blog, but live in hope  that this will change.

Our current challenge is to make a recipe journal :)

Stella Jones

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