Friday 10 August 2018

Tea Time


My pansy teapot

The 'Divine Harvester'
The discovery of tea is said to go back to Shen Nung, the deity with a bull's head and the father of agriculture, who ruled in China in about 2737 BC.  Resting at the foot of a bush and being thirsty, he is said to have asked a servant to boil him some water.  A few leaves fell from the bush into his cup.
Seduced by the sweet and restorative beverage thus produced, he is said to have ordered this plant to be cultivated throughout the land.
from 'The Book of Tea' by Annie Perrier-Robert


Tea-time in our cottage is between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. depending on how hungry/thirsty we are, but tea drinking is an occupation that goes on all day. It starts for me at 7 a.m. when I have my first mug of tea. Then coffee at mid morning break, followed by more tea at lunch-time. Water with lunch, then coffee and another cup of tea at 2 p.m.  The next cup is made at 4 p.m and again at 6 p.m. At 9 o'clock it's cocoa these days but sometimes tea again. Do you think that is excessive!
Just lately I have become hooked on Red Bush Tea.

Red Bush Tea

This tea has a unique flavour. It's quite strong and definitely an acquired taste, but if you like your tea strong and I do! this could be the one for you. It's certainly worth a try. Now I have an admission to make: if it wasn't for the fabulous books by Alexander McCall Smith about the No.1 Ladies Detective Agency, I don't suppose I would ever have tried that tea; but it is a favourite of Mma Ramotswe. Mma Ramotswe sets up a Ladies Detective Agency in Botswana and with the capable help of her secretary, Mma Makutsi, she has lots of adventures. I am hooked, totally hooked on the doings of the No.1 Ladies Detective Agency and cannot wait to read each new book. Mma Ramotswe drinks Red Bush Tea all the time so I thought I must try it. When I saw it on the shelves in Sainsburys, I picked some up. Since then I haven't looked back and I've also noticed that more and more of it has been appearing on the shelves.

Mma Makutsi on the left and Mma Ramotswe waiting for the kettle to boil:

Mma Makutsi and Mma Ramotswe

Assam is supposed to be the finest tea, but nowadays I find that lacking in flavour. No doubt my taste buds are getting old as well as the rest of me.

Do try it and let me know what you think of it.

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